Wednesday 11 March 2015

Scrappy Swiss Cross

Sometimes the urge to play is overwhelming.  What starts as a let's see turns into piles of fabric everywhere as I seek, not of course knowing what I am looking for.

I have seen scrappy swiss cross quilts on Pinterest... I never thought I could become so addicted to pretty image after image after image.  After spending entirely too much time ogling other people's creations, I wanted to see what I could do.

I have a pile of 5" squares cut from scraps.  That was where I started but of course as these things go... what is immediately to hand is seldom enough so additional fabric fell to being cut into more 5" squares.  I played until I came up with two options.

The IKEA fabric as the background was OK but not stellar.

Then I found a bright yellow linen fabric that I knew was just the ticket, the golden yellow ticket if you will.

This is as far as I managed to get... I did pick the squares up off the floor in neat piles, safe from marauding cats, ready to be sewn together, soon.

One more thing to mention, I found that using a camera is an excellent way to see the composition of your quilt.  It somehow condenses the image and lets you see it as a whole.  Neat.

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